The Law of Attraction Alphabet: How to Attract Amazing Things Into Your Life From A to Z

By Jonathan Timar

© Copyright 2008 Jonathan Timar You may reproduce an excerpt only of the law of attraction alphabet with a hyperlink back to this page. Alternately, you may reproduce the article in full with prior permission from the author, Jonathan Timar, provided this copyright notice and all hyperlinks remain.

  1. Abundance. Remember that the universe is an abundant place. There is more than enough for everyone, and you never need to worry about running out of anything.
  2. Being. Always be in the moment. Learn to enjoy every moment to the fullest. Do not dwell in the past, and do not be so focused on the future that the present slips away. In reality, the present is all that is ever real.
  3. Creation. You have the power to create your own reality. Everything you experience is the result of something you set into motion via your own creative spirit. If you don’t like the way things are, refocus your energies and create something else for yourself.
  4. Decision. You cannot begin manifesting anything until you make a firm decision about what you want. Make that decision.
  5. Energy. Everything in this world is made up of energy including your thoughts. Just as a cruel remark or excess negativity can make you feel physically tired and feel beaten down, so too does positive energy have the power to do the opposite.
  6. Freedom. When you realize that you have the power to change any aspect of your life, you experience the truest form of freedom.
  7. Gratitude. Always be grateful for what you have, even when you desire more. When you focus on things you are grateful for, you attract more of the same.
  8. Happiness. Realize that you can be happy today, and that happiness comes from within. No outside influence can make you happy.
  9. Inspiration. Be inspired every day. Read inspiring books (or blogs – hint hint…), visit with inspiring people. View inspiring landscapes, take inspiring walks.
  10. Joy. Find something about everyday, and take pleasure in the little things that make life worth living.
  11. Kindness. Be kind to everyone, even if they are not kind to you. What you put out is what you get back.
  12. Love. Love yourself. Love your family and your friends. Give love freely, and receive it graciously.
  13. Meditate. Spend some time every day with your self, and focus clearly on your desire, and imagine what it will feel like to already have them.
  14. Needs. Separate your wants from your needs, and learn to want something without needing it to be happy.
  15. Objective. Have a clear objective in your life and dispense with vague goals. If you aren’t quite sure what you want, it will be impossible for you to attract it.
  16. Play. Take time to do something fun or pleasurable every day. Life should not be taken overly seriously. The only wasted time is time you did not enjoy.
  17. Question. Ask yourself everyday: Did I enjoy what I did today? Did it help my life progress in the direction I want? What can I do better tomorrow?
  18. Reject. Reject negative thoughts and pessimistic people.
  19. Strength. Be strong, have the will to follow your path, even if others try to discourage you.
  20. Think. Don’t just float along accepting what comes your way. Think before you act, and make every action a conscious one.
  21. Unbelievable. Many things that we no take for granted and consider ordinary were once unbelievable. The telephone, the light bulb, air travel and more. If you find yourself believing your goals are unrealistic, remember that the unbelievable happens all the time.
  22. Variety. Don’t focus all of your energy in one place. Variety is the spice of life.
  23. Wealth. Seek to be wealthy financially, spiritually, and artistically. Fill your bank equally with money, spirit, and creativity.
  24. eXpress. Do not be afraid to express yourself to the world, and show people who you are.
  25. Young. You can’t stop your body from aging, but that’s no excuse to stop being young. Choose to be young until the day you die, and live every day accordingly.
  26. Zero. Have zero excuses.

© Copyright 2008 Jonathan Timar You may reproduce an excerpt only of the law of attraction alphabet with a hyperlink back to this page. Alternately, you may reproduce the article in full with prior permission from the author, Jonathan Timar, provided this copyright notice and all hyperlinks remain.

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